
Applied Machine Learning Engineer #

Welcome! I am Arjun, and I bring over 14 years of experience as an Applied Machine Learning Engineer. I am proficient in transforming business requirements into effective machine learning solutions.

Machine Learning Proficiency #

My expertise in machine learning covers the full project lifecycle:

  • Data Collection & Cleaning: Building robust datasets for machine learning models.
  • Distributed Training: Effectively using GPU clusters for model training.
  • Custom Model Development: Creating bespoke models & training methods for specific problems.
  • Model Calibration: Fine-tuning models to improve their effectiveness.
  • Inference Pipelines: Building scalable, low latency pipelines in C++ / Python (using GRPC, k8).
  • Negative Mining: Implementing hard negative mining for ongoing model improvement.
  • Model Optimization: Applying methods like Quantization, Pruning, Torch Dynamo for optimal performance.

Domain Expertise #

I have experience applying machine learning solutions across a broad range of domains:

  • Search & Ranking
  • Cold Start Recommendations
  • Constraint-based Optimization
  • Speech Processing (Speech-to-text, Text-to-speech)
  • Computer Vision (Segmentation, Classification, OCR)
  • Natural Language Processing (Document QA, Classification, Entity Recognition)
  • Contrastive Learning Methods

Contact Information #

I am currently exploring new opportunities in machine learning. Let’s connect and discuss how my skills can benefit your organization.