Open Source Contributions

Open Source Contributions #

Python library for Spelling correction based on SymSpell written in C++ and exposed to python via pybind11.

Comparing performance of different InfoNCE type losses used in contrastive learning.

Exploring Reinforcement Learning algorithms on customized Lunar Lander environment with dynamic realistic wind vectors by extending the gym environment.

ML inference framework for pytorch models in Asynchronous C++ which supports dynamic batching, Arrayfire, quantized model, and various optimizations written using Drogon

Easily reproducible machine learning baseline for automatic speech recognition using semi-supervised contrastive learning.

Fast C++ implementation of ESOLA using KFRLib, can be used for online time-stretch augmentation during SpeechToText training.

Initial Contributor to Newman which is a command-line collection runner for Postman.

Initial Contributor to Postman Interceptor a helper extension for the Postman packaged app.